Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cogeneration plant at UNH

    In 2006, UNH started to use a cogeneration plant for their energy on their main campus in Durham. The plant traps heat which waste produces,  the energy gained from the heat from the waste is then used as heat in the resident halls as well as the academic buildings. UNH partnered with Turnkey Recycling and Environmental Enterprise (TREE), to use their landfill for the source of the waste, that is then turned into heat. There is a 12. 7 mile pipe from the TREE plant, to the cogeneration plant at UNH Durham.
     The methane gas that is used in the process of turning the waste into heat comes from TREE. TREE has more than 300 wells in whcih methane gas can be taking from to use as energy. Whatever part of the methane gas that is not methane gas has to be eliminated, the non-methane gas is most likely going to be carbon dixide.  
   As a UNH Manchester student, I feel like I belong to the UNH family. Knowing that UNH is the first university in the country to commit to such a GREEN  project, is huge. Using other resources other than fossil fuels for energy sources is a great way in becoming greener and something that can be used to teach other colleges and people that there are other ways that you can be green.

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