Sunday, November 13, 2011

Agriculture? MOOOOOOOO..........Organic milk

    Even though organic milk is almost double the price of regular non-organic milk, it is safer in the end. The are more steps in the process of making organic milk than are in regular non organic milk making, which in turn raises the price of the finished product that is put on shelves. There are four criteria that 'organic milk' must or it is not considered to be organic, the four criteria are: no pesticides or fertizilers that are harmful(if these are used must be organic), no genetic alternations are allowed(BGH, bovine growth hormone which increases milk production by the bovine), no antibotics, and the final criteria is the cows must have access to pasture.
       Getting back to the point of why organic milk costs more, is because it takes more money to raise organic cows than regular cows. The cost of owning an organic farm is also more and you need more land to raise organic cows since they need full access to pasture whenever they please. Having an organic farm starts from the Earth, before you get into the animals and the products produced by the animals. The farmers use herbicides instead of fertilizers, since fertilizers can be toxic to the workers and the envirnoment. The animals are also fed no animal by products, and no BGH are used in the bovines. Organic farmers do not use BGH in their cows since the cows can get an infection in their udder or can have an insulin growth factor as a side effect.
     In the end is no really difference between regular milk and organic milk other than organic milk is healthier for you. Organic milk that was produced by cows that were able to graze whenever had more beneficial health effects than regular milk. The beneficial health effects of orgainc milk are the fatty acids are more helpful to the body, antioxdiants are higher as well as vitamins. So, in my opinion is up to the conusmer on which type of milk they choose to buy, spend more money and get milk that has more beneficial effects to the human body or get regular milk that has no real effects on the human body. I personal, no longer drink a alot of milk, but if I had to choose between organic or regular milk I think I would stick with regular milk since it is the type of milk that I had while i was growing up.

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