Friday, October 21, 2011

A green solvent found in ourselves?! YES, WATER!

 The human body is an amazing thing, if you think about it. The body has 206 bones....that's a lot  if you ask me! It is also amazing for another thing, using water as a solvent! The human body is made up of more than fifty percent of water!!!! Water has a function in the human body, it is used to form tissue and acts as a solvent in body probably did not know that before now! You learn something new ever day.

  Water is used as a solvent in the human body to dissolve carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are dissolved by water because they are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates are necessary sources of energy in the human body, so for their energy to be used by the body they have to be broken down and dissolved so they can be distributed throughout the human body for use.
    Water is the greenest solvent you can have in the human body! You do not have to worry about creating any hazardous waste or harming the environment. Water is a natural resource that is found in nature and the best part about this solvent that is used in the human body is that is F-R-E-E!!!! Where else can you find a free natural resource that is used a solvent in the human body besides nature?  If you guessed nowhere, you are correct!

1 comment:

  1. The human is amazing; it performs so many functions constantly without even thinking about them. We should all know that water is important to the human body. Without water, carbohydrates would not be able to dissolve, and carbohydrates are an important source of energy. We should listen to the people that tell us to drink our eight glasses of water a day.
