Friday, September 30, 2011

Jojoba Oil....Organic compound found in chapstick.

  Jojoba oil is an all natural organic compound found in chapstick. Jojoba oil comes from states in the western United States. The oil comes from a jojoba tree known as Simmondsia chinenis, and is often referred to as a wax ester than oil.

     Jojoba oil is the only oil found naturally that is close to human skin and can be used directly on the skin. The reason for this is that when you apply the jojoba oil to your skin, your skin is thinking it is producing enough oil when it actually is not. Using jojoba oil can even out the oil production of you skin.

    Benefits of using organic  jojoba oil are that moisturizes your lips, absorbs into you lips, and is FREE of pesticides.  Since jojoba oil comes from a tree it is a natural oil that is used with other natural oils to make Chapstick. The Chapstick company uses jojoba oil with other natural oils such as sunflower oil and beeswax to make the soothing but yet satisfying chaptsicks. So when the Chapstick company creates chapsticks they do  not need to worry about any dangerous reactions from chemicals or any waste becuase they already use all natural and organic compounds to make their products!!!!! What more could you ask for from a company who already makes their product GREEN?



  1. This a very good post. I never knew until now what any of the ingredients in chapstick were. After reading this it makes me want to go see what other ingredients are used in chapstick. I'm wondering if all chapsticks us jojoba oil or do some of them use something different that serves the same function.

  2. I never actually thought to much about the chemicals in Chapstick. To be honest, I never actually knew what it was made of. This is very interesting but if you think about it, you probably wouldn't want pesticides or any harmful on your lips anyway, right? Sounds good for both the producer and the consumer; the producer doesn't need to worry about dangerous reactions and the consumer buys a eco-friendly product that won't be unnatural on their lips. Great research too by the way!

  3. thanks nick! your comment about putting nothing harmful on your lips cracked me up, and after my day it was a much needed laugh :)
