Friday, September 30, 2011

Jojoba Oil....Organic compound found in chapstick.

  Jojoba oil is an all natural organic compound found in chapstick. Jojoba oil comes from states in the western United States. The oil comes from a jojoba tree known as Simmondsia chinenis, and is often referred to as a wax ester than oil.

     Jojoba oil is the only oil found naturally that is close to human skin and can be used directly on the skin. The reason for this is that when you apply the jojoba oil to your skin, your skin is thinking it is producing enough oil when it actually is not. Using jojoba oil can even out the oil production of you skin.

    Benefits of using organic  jojoba oil are that moisturizes your lips, absorbs into you lips, and is FREE of pesticides.  Since jojoba oil comes from a tree it is a natural oil that is used with other natural oils to make Chapstick. The Chapstick company uses jojoba oil with other natural oils such as sunflower oil and beeswax to make the soothing but yet satisfying chaptsicks. So when the Chapstick company creates chapsticks they do  not need to worry about any dangerous reactions from chemicals or any waste becuase they already use all natural and organic compounds to make their products!!!!! What more could you ask for from a company who already makes their product GREEN?


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Green Process of Toys? Yes!!!!!!!!

      Have you ever giving thought to your children's toys being green? Well, now you can because there is a company called Green Toys Inc.  that makes green toys!! I was amazed when I saw  what this company was doing and how they make their toys 100%  GREEN!  Green Toys Inc. is based out of California.

        At first the company tested numerous materials against the Green and Safe rubric. The green rubric included recyclability of the product, biodegradability, and how energy efficient the material is. The safe rubric to making the green toys was not using lead and Bisphenol A (BPA).  By not using these additives of lead and BPA makes the toys safer and greener already, because lead can cause illnesses and BPA can leak into plastic materials that contain BPA.

          What does the company use to make these toys green? The answer may surprise you,  Green Toys Inc, uses High Denisty Polyethlyene (HDPE) from milk jugs!  Before they decided to use HDPE from milk jugs,  they first wanted to use Polylatic Acid (PLA). Soon they  realized that PLA did not stand up to  the expectations that they had hoped that it would. After they had experimented with PLA they decided to look into the use of recyclable materials,  during this process the company looked into petroleum based plastics because this type of plastic is recyclable. This is how the decision to use milk jugs came about! 

         How do the toys get made with milk jugs?!  Well, the toys are made by  pelletizing the recycled HDPE and mixing the pieces with colorant to give the toy color.  After the HDPE and colorant are mixed together, the mixture gets sent through an injection machine that injects the mixture into the toy molds, the operators of the machines then separate the toys from the plastic molds that they were casted in to get their shape, the plastic mold is then recycled. The plastic molds are recycled by going back to the manufacturing process to be used again to make another batch of green toys!

       Since Green Toys Inc. uses 100% green material to make their toys there is NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL  to pose a risk to the employees in the factory.  Making the factory clean and making the working conditions safer for the employees.  Finding that this company uses 100% recyclable materials to make toys is a step in the right direction for other toy companies that want to green their current line of toys. Why can't all companies that they say they are  green use all recyclable materials?


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three Compounds in Iced Tea

  Three compounds found in iced tea are: Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, and Phosphoric Acid.  Each compound is unique in its own way from their chemical formulas to their purpose for being in this particular beverage i was drinking. Even though most of these compounds are food  preservatives.

    Sodium Benzoate is a food preseravtive found in salad dressings, carbonated drinks, and some medicines.Sodium salt of Benzoic acid  exists when dissloved in water, in this case this salt compound does exist in the iced tea that I was drinking. The chemical formula for Sodium Benzoate is NaC6H5CO2.    

   Potassium Sorbate is also a food preservative  found in cheeses and wines to create yeasts and molds. It is also found in personal care products to help the development of micro organisms while in the shelf to be stable.  Potassium Sorbate is Potassium salt of Sorbic Acid. C6H7KO2   is the chemical formula for Potassium Sorbate.

    Phosphoric Acid can also be called Othrophosphoric Acid. This acid is a mineral acid which means it can join togehter by itself to make many other compounds. It is found in sodas to give the sodas the acid that is needed. You can also find it  in dentist equipment as an etching solution. The chemical formula is H3PO4.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What is Green Chemisty ?

    Green chemistry is the process of creating chemicals at the same time as getting rid of the harmful substances that are produced from the chemicals while being used, after use, and while being made. This process can also be called preventing pollution and making the environment safer for the health of human beings. 
   The 12 principles of green chemistry is heavily relied on when re-creating, creating chemicals, molecules, and materials  Green chemistry uses these principles to make sure the chemicals, materials, and molecules are safer for the health of humans and their surroundings.
      The 12 principles of  Green Chemistry are:
1. Prevention.
2.Atom economy.
3. Less hazardous chemical synthesis.
4.Designing safer chemicals.
5.Safer solvents and auxiliaries.
6. Energy saving designs.
7. Feedstocks which can be recycled for use again.
8. Reduce Derivatives.
9. Catalysis.
10. Created to breakdown.
11. Live analysis for prevention of pollution.
12. Increase safer chemistry to avoid accidents.
The principles outlined above are the bases for Green chemistry and define it in a way of which green chemistry is a process to make the environment safer for human beings and their surroundings.